October 18, 2010

All-You-Can-Eat Fried Catfish, TEXAS STYLE!

You know how all of a sudden a memory just pops back into your head? For guys thats pretty much amazing in itself! Well I had one of those which reminded me of some good fried catfish me and the Ms. had eaten a few years ago. A fellow worker had suggested that we all meet at a place out in the country on Friday night for some of the best fried catfish, hush puppies, fries, beans, home made cole slaw and fixens. We did and it was good, real GOOD! So I got this brainstorm ( yea it hurt-HA,HA) that we'd invite the kids and their wives to meet us at that same place for dinner. Everyone agreed and it was set for around six that Friday night. We'd all meet at Cross Roads Tavern.

Being that it had been over a year since I'd been out there I figured I'd better jump on the internet to see if the place was still doing their Friday night fish special and of course found nothing. Flash, another brain storm, ( I'm gona need some Tylenol if this keeps up), I'll get up early Friday morning and ride the bike out there and see whats going on with the fish deal. A quick check on Friday's weather forecast showed a 20% chance of rain with temps in the mid to upper 90's by noon. So I knew if there was gona be any riding it was gona happen early come rain or shine. Friday arrived and I woke up pretty early, threw a few bottles of water in the cooler and fired up the old Cypress 86er and exited suburbia.  Considering it was around 5:30am and had apparently sprinkled a few showers earlier, the weather was tolerable in the high 80's with the normal 98% Houston humidity. Heading west out FM529 to Bellville, TX.

then south on Miller Creek Road, which by the way is paved but is pretty rough with large pot holes, weird asphalt bumps and numerous off-camber roads cracks.  There are a number of nice ranches and some nice views of the rolling hills and several creek bridge crossings out this route.  Reaching Cross Roads Tavern I spied a hand written sign stating "All You Can Eat Fried Catfish, Every Friday Night". Cool, we're gona have some good fish tonight. Relieved at the fact that maybe my plan might come toghter, I knew a little more saddle time was in order. Heading further west out FM 1094 the scenery was true middleTexas country with impressive farms and ranches and Texas country side.

The ride out FM 1094 is an easy and comfortable ride that dead ends in New Ulm, TX.  Just before town there's the typical small town cafe and by the looks of the almost full parking lot, everybody in the county was there for breakfast. Just a couple of blocks past the cafe 1094 dead ends into FM 109. A fuel stop and butt brake oughta be good right about now, I thought. Not knowing the area, I figured I should fill up if there is a gas station in town.  A look to the right reveals nothing that looks promising.  To the left are a few old buildings with signs that have served their purpose many years ago.  So left we go.  Just a few blocks down the road is an old white single story building that had two ancient fuel pumps sitting out in front and not a soul in site.  A glide up under the canopy and the kickstand down puts me stepping through the store's front screened door to a time when things in Texas went allot slower. Inside I spotted 4 weather worn old cowboys sitting round a worn out wooden table drinking coffee, spitting in cups and telling stories.  The fella behind the counter on the left (Looked like Jed Clampitt with a cowboy hat on)

greeted me with such a strong Texas country drawl I could hardly understand him. It sounded pretty cool. He told me to get what I needed then come on back in and we'd settle up. So I filled up the bike and headed back inside to "Settle Up" and was invited to pull up a seat and sit a spell by one of the fella's sittin over at the table. I graciously turned him down saying, "Maybe next time" to which he replied "Hold ya to it".  Back out on the road I'd decided to return back to Cross Roads but this time I'd take FM 949 back into Bellville.  Once again nice ranches and views.  The ride thru Bellville was pretty uneventful although traffic had picked up a bit and the Bellville Meat Market was jamming by the looks of all the folks there.

 Bellville Meat Market is the home of the award winning Poffenberger Smoke Sausage

Bellville Meat Market

 It's been a while since I've had some sausage from there but as I remember it was pretty good.  Anyway I decided it was getting a bit late and a bit too warm so I headed back in on FM 529 to Cypress. Good ride, not much traffic, and finally no rain.


  1. I've never had Catfish before. Up here we only have COD, Salmon, Halibut, steelhead and it's so expensive I don't think there will be any all you can eat.

    Wet Coast Scootin

  2. We fried some fish in the house the other day and it still smells horrid in here. Delicious though. You may be on to something with paying someone else to make the stink for you. Either way, sounds great.

    Behind Bars - Motorcycles and Life
